Geo Listening is a social networking monitoring service that focuses on public, private K12 institutions and Colleges & Universities. Our goal is to review public information available via social networks so that we can identify opportunities for intervention so that you can apply the appropriate intervention method on behalf of students.
Geo Listening provides daily reports to designated staff that are aligned to your district’s student code and existing board policies. The information contained in the daily report becomes input into existing intervention methodologies.
Via daily reports, Geo Listening provides you with a dynamic measure of the effectiveness of the existing programs. Our goal is to provide more timely information so that these programs achieve their intended effectiveness.
As with any Grant, a component of your application is to show how you will measure effectiveness. Geo Listening has been written into district applications for Healthy Schools/Safe Schools & REMS.
All information is gathered from public posts on social networks. Geo Listening Does Not monitor email, SMS, MMS, phone calls, voicemails or unlock any privacy setting of a social network user.
Users of social networks receive a username and password, which gives them a right to publish social commentary and media. Most users below the age of 25 do not utilize the available privacy settings because they are seeking to be recognized for their respective posts. They have chosen to post in the public domain in exchange for popularity and a decreasing ability to communicate effectively face to face.
Geo Listening is a monitoring service. There is no software or training needed for the school or district staff. The service provides daily reports via email directly to designated staff and an aggregate report for the district.
Contact us and request a personalized discussion. We will monitor 3 schools from your district for one school week prior to presenting a proposal to the district. All requests must be done in conjunction with the district central office. This is done for accountability. Each site can pay separately if needed.
Geo Listening is priced on a per campus basis so that you can choose in alignment to your priorities and also allow site based purchases.
Yes. Geo Listening is happy to work with you so that your payment delivers the optimal benefit to your school/district.
None currently. Though the information feeds are available to develop applications, most are focused on helping companies build brands and better target customers. We felt there was a higher level use of the information that will benefit your goals and overcome the obstacles faced in our schools every day.
No. Geo Listening is an information reporting service that provides information in a more timely manner than is currently obtainable. Intervention is only as effective as the timeliness of staff using the information to benefit students and campus safety goals.
To view the Geo Listening Privacy Policy, click here.